Mastering Backend Development with Java Spring Boot: Best Practices and Pro Tips

Nihal Parmar
8 min readApr 21, 2023


Spring Boot is a widely used and very popular enterprise-level high-performance framework. Here are some best practices and a few tips you can use to improve your Spring Boot application and make it more efficient. This article will be a little longer, and it will take some time to completely read the article.

Proper packaging style

  • Proper packaging will help to understand the code and the flow of the application easily.
  • You can structure your application with meaningful packaging.
  • You can include all your controllers into a separate package, services in a separate package, util classes into a separate package…etc. This style is very convenient in small-size microservices.
  • If you are working on a huge code base, a feature-based approach can be used. You can decide on your requirement.

Based on type

Based on feature

Use design patterns

  • No complaints. Design patterns are already best practices.
  • But you must identify the place where you can use them.
  • Please check this article to understand “how to use the Builder design pattern” in our Spring Boot applications.

Use Spring Boot starters


  • This is a cool feature of Spring Boot.
  • We can very easily use starter dependencies without adding single dependencies one by one. These starter dependencies are already bundled with the required dependencies.
  • For example, if we add spring-boot-starter-web dependency, by default it is bundled with jackson, spring-core, spring-mvc, and spring-boot-starter-tomcat dependencies.
  • So we don’t need to care about adding dependencies separately.
  • And also it helps us to avoid version mismatches.

Use proper versions of the dependencies

  • It is always recommended to use the latest stable GA versions.
  • Sometimes it may vary with the Java version, server versions, the type of the application…etc.
  • Do not use different versions of the same package and always use <properties> to specify the version if there are multiple dependencies.

Use Lombok

  • As a Java developer, you have probably heard of the Lombok project.
  • Lombok is a Java library that can be used to reduce your codes and allow you to write clean code using its annotations.
  • For example, you may use plenty of lines for getters and setters in some classes like entities, request/response objects, dtos…etc.
  • But if you use Lombok, it is just one line, you can use @Data, @Getter or @Setter as per your requirement.
  • You can use Lombok logger annotations as well. @Slf4j is recommended.
  • Check this file for your reference.

Use constructor injection with Lombok

  • When we talk about dependency injection, there are two types.
  • One is “constructor injection” and the other is “setter injection”. Apart from that, you can also use “field injection” using the very popular @Autowired annotation.
  • But we highly recommend using Constructor injection over other types. Because it allows the application to initialize all required dependencies at the initialization time.
  • This is very useful for unit testing.
  • The important thing is, that we can use the @RequiredArgsConstructor annotation by Lombok to use constructor injection.
  • Check this sample controller for your reference.

Use slf4j logging

  • Logging is very important.
  • If a problem occurs while your application is in production, logging is the only way to find out the root cause.
  • Therefore, you should think carefully before adding loggers, log message types, logger levels, and logger messages.
  • Do not use System.out.print()
  • Slf4j is recommended to use along with logback which is the default logging framework in Spring Boot.
  • Always use slf4j { } and avoid using String interpolation in logger messages. Because string interpolation consumes more memory.
  • Please check this file for your reference to get an idea about, implementing a logger.
  • You can use Lombok @Slf4j annotation to create a logger very easily.
  • If you are in a micro-services environment, you can use the ELK stack.

Use Controllers only for routing

  • Controllers are dedicated to routing.
  • It is stateless and singleton.
  • The DispatcherServlet will check the @RequestMapping on Controllers
  • Controllers are the ultimate target of requests, then requests will be handed over to the service layer and processed by the service layer.
  • The business logic should not be in the controllers.

Use Services for business logic

  • The complete business logic goes here with validations, caching…etc.
  • Services communicate with the persistence layer and receive the results.
  • Services are also singleton.

Bonus article: Manage stress as a Software Engineer

Avoid NullPointerException

  • To avoid NullPointerException you can use Optional from java.util package.
  • You can also use null-safe libraries. Ex: Apache Commons StringUtils
  • Call equals() and equalsIgnoreCase() methods on known objects.
  • Use valueOf() over toString()
  • Use IDE-based @NotNull and @Nullable annotations.

Use best practices for the Collection framework

  • Use appropriate collection for your data set.
  • Use forEach with Java 8 features and avoid using legacy for loops.
  • Use interface type instead of the implementation.
  • Use isEmpty() over size() for better readability.
  • Do not return null values, you can return an empty collection.
  • If you are using objects as data to be stored in a hash-based collection, you should override equals() and hashCode() methods. Please check this article “How does a HashMap internally work”.

Use pagination

  • This will improve the performance of the application.
  • If you’re using Spring Data JPA, the PagingAndSortingRepository makes using pagination very easy and with little effort.

Use caching

  • Caching is another important factor when talking about application performance.
  • By default Spring Boot provides caching with ConcurrentHashMap and you can achieve this by @EnableCaching annotation.
  • If you are not satisfied with default caching, you can use Redis, Hazelcast, or any other distributed caching implementations.
  • Redis and Hazelcast are in-memory caching methods. You also can use database cache implementations as well.

Use custom exception handler with global exception handling

  • This is very important when working with large enterprise-level applications.
  • Apart from the general exceptions, we may have some scenarios to identify some specific error cases.
  • Exception adviser can be created with @ControllerAdvice and we can create separate exceptions with meaningful details.
  • It will make it much easier to identify and debug errors in the future.
  • Please check this and this for your reference.

Bonus article: What is serverless Architecture?

Use custom response object

  • A custom response object can be used to return an object with some specific data with the requirements like HTTP status code, API code, message…etc.
  • We can use the builder design pattern to create a custom response object with custom attributes.
  • Please check this article for your reference.

Remove unnecessary codes, variables, methods, and classes.

commented code in the production

  • Unused variable declarations will acquire some memory.
  • Remove unused methods, classes…etc because it will impact the performance of the application.
  • Try to avoid nested loops. You can use maps instead.

Using comments

  • Commenting is a good practice unless you abuse it.
  • DO NOT comment on everything. Instead, you can write descriptive code using meaningful words for classes, functions, methods, variables…etc.
  • Remove commented codes, misleading comments, and story-type comments.
  • You can use comments for warnings and explain something difficult to understand at first sight.

Use meaningful words for classes, methods, functions, variables, and other attributes.

  • This looks very simple, but the impact is huge.
  • Always use proper meaningful and searchable naming conventions with proper case.
  • Usually, we use nouns or short phrases when declaring classes, variables, and constants. Ex: String firstName, const isValid
  • You can use verbs and short phrases with adjectives for functions and methods. Ex: readFile(), sendData()
  • Avoid using abbreviating variable names and intention revealing names. Ex: int i; String getExUsr;
  • If you use this meaningfully, declaration comment lines can be reduced. Since it has meaningful names, a fresh developer can easily understand by reading the code.

Use proper case for declarations

  • There are many different cases like UPPERCASE, lowercase, camelCase, PascalCase, snake_case, SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, kebab-case…etc.
  • But we need to identify which case is dedicated to which variable.
  • Usually, I follow,

classes — PascalCase

methods & variables — camelCase


DB-related fields — snake_case

  • This is just an example. It can be different from the standard you follow in the company.

Be simple

  • Always try to write simple, readable codes.
  • The same simple logic can be implemented using different ways, but it is difficult to understand if it is not readable or understandable.
  • Sometimes complex logic consumes more memory.
  • Try to use KISS, DRY, and SOLID principles when writing codes. I will explain this in a future article.

Use a common code formatting style

  • Formatting styles vary from developer to developer. Coding style changes are also considered a change and can make code merging very difficult.
  • To avoid this, the team can have a common coding format.

Use SonarLint

  • This is very useful for identifying small bugs and best practices to avoid unnecessary bugs and code quality issues.
  • You can install the plugin into your favorite IDE.

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Nihal Parmar
Nihal Parmar

Written by Nihal Parmar

Software Engineer @Crest Data System|| 6⭐ @HackerRank || Tech-Enthusiast || GSSoC’21 || Full Stack Developer

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