Top 50 DSA Coding Interview Numerical Questions and Patterns
1. List of important numerical questions-Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA):
- Find Prime Numbers in a Range
- Find Prime Numbers in a Range using the Sieve of Eratosthenes
- Examples of Inclusion and Exclusion in Number Theory Basics
- Find Numbers Divisible by A and B
- Find the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of Two Numbers
- Find the Least Common Divisor (LCD) of Two Numbers
- Armstrong Numbers
- Reverse Numbers
- Print All Digits of Positive Decimals
- Sum of First N Natural Numbers
- Check Pythagorean Triplets
- Check if a Number is a Power of Three or Not
- Conversion between Binary and Decimal Numbers
- Fibonacci Series Generation (Iterative and Recursive Approaches)
- Factorial of a Number (Iterative and Recursive Approaches)
- Calculate Power of N using a While Loop
- Square in an N x N Chessboard
- Factorial of Large Numbers
- Different Approaches to Find Prime Numbers in a Range
- Rectangles in an N x N Board
- Next Higher Palindromic Number using the Same Set of Digits
- Digit Multiplier
- Prime Number of Set Bits
- Rank the Permutations
Please note that these are just the topics or questions, and each question may have multiple variations and implementations.
Patterns to Solve Numerical Problems:
- Prime Number with For Loop
- Prime Number with Sieve of Eratosthenes using the Inclusion and Exclusion Principle
- Separating Digits to Decimal
- Binary to Decimal Conversion
- Recursive Printing of Series
Please note that these patterns represent the approaches to solving the respective numerical problems. Each pattern can be applied in various problem-specific implementations to achieve the desired results.
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